Frequently Asked Questions

Can I bring my dog?

No, dogs are not allowed in the Crater unless they are a papered service animal.

Do I wear my swimsuit?

It makes it faster for people to get into the water if you come with your swimsuits on already.

Are there showers in the Crater?

No, we don't have shower facilities available. The water is spring water so you feel refreshed afterwards.

Is there an age limit?

No, all ages are allowed to swim/soak in the Crater. We do require swim diapers for our non-potty trained guests.

Do you have to be scuba certified to dive?

Yes, we require you to be scuba certified and have a logged dive within the past year.

If I'm not scuba certified can I dive?

Yes, you would just need to book a "scuba experience". This activity takes about 1 1/2 hrs to complete and there is a medical form required.

Do I have to wear a life jacket?

Yes, we provide vest for all swimmers/soakers.

How deep is the Crater?

The Crater is 65 feet deep.

What is the water temperature?

The water temperature stays at an average of 94 degrees year round.

Do I need to bring my own towel?

Yes, please bring your own towels. If you are a guest at the resort we will provide towels if available.

How many people go in each session?

It depends on a balance of both swimmers and scuba divers. We do manage the group sizes so that everyone has a good experience.

Can I bring my flotation inner tube?

No, there isn't room for guests to bring an inner tube to float on. The life jackets make it so you can just float and relax.

Can I bring my own life jacket?

Yes, you are welcome to bring your own life jacket. We do have all sizes of flotation devices for our guests.

Is the Crater a volcano?

No, the Crater isn't volcanic in any way. It is a geothermal hot spring that formed over thousands of years. The water source is 2 miles down.

Can I scuba dive alone in the Crater?

No, we do not allow solo diving in the Crater. If you don't have a certified buddy you can book a Dive Along with one of our instructors.

What if I haven't dove in a long time?

We offer Scuba Updates in the Crater. This takes about 2 hours to complete.

Does the Crater have caverns and tunnels under the water?

No, the Crater is an hourglass shape. There are no caverns or tunnels.

Can I rent out a session for a private group?

Yes, we do offer private sessions before and after hours. Please send an email to with your request.

Can I bring my own paddleboard?

No, we don't allow people to bring in their paddleboards

How do I book the Paddleboard Yoga?

Please go to Park City Yoga Adventures website and fill out a booking request. They are the only yoga company that does the paddleboard yoga in the Crater.